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精控微风道技术 在冰箱上的应用


2016-08-30 13:39:22        作者:       来源:环球家电网
核心提示:①制冷速度提升15%以上; ②节能15%以上; ③温度波动减小10%; ④保鲜能力提升20%。```

首次实现冰箱冷藏风道按需、分区域独立送风。利用精确传感器与风量分配器相结合,把冰箱冷藏箱分成多层区域,感测并精确计算需要送风的位置和风量来实现每一层风路分量送风,对放入的食物迅速制冷,箱内温度始终保持在设定的温度范围,波动小,节能,保鲜。该技术应用后在实现自身产品节能减排的基础上,还可推动和带动国内和国际家电冰冷产品行业的节能减排事业。该技术可以准确到每个隔层,提升制冷效率与速度,冷藏温度均匀,延长保鲜时间,冷量充分利用,降低冰箱能耗。该技术具有以下优势:①制冷速度提升15%以上; ②节能15%以上; ③温度波动减小10%; ④保鲜能力提升20%。


For the first time, the cooling air duct of the refrigerator can be delivered to the air in the demand and the area independently. The precise sensors and air volume distributor combination, the refrigerator box into a multi-layer region, sensing and accurate calculation of the need to send wind and location and quantity to achieve each layer wind component to send wind and on into the food rapid cooling, the temperature in the box always keep in the range of set temperature, small fluctuation, energy conservation, fresh. The technology is applied to realize the energy saving and emission reduction based on its own products, but also can promote and drive the domestic and international energy saving and emission reduction in the cold product industry.

The technology can be accurate to each layer, enhance the cooling efficiency and speed, homogeneous refrigerating temperature, extend the fresh time, cold fully utilized, reduce energy consumption of the refrigerator.

The technology has the following advantages: (1) refrigeration speed increase more than 15%; (2) energy-saving 15% above; (3) temperature fluctuations decrease 10%; (4) Fresh ability promotion 20%.


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