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2016-08-30 15:31:09        作者:       来源:环球家电网


英林智能养生壶,将科技与生活完美结合,提出了全新的产品概念—“云端·生活·家”,用云端科技为不同年龄、不同职业、不同需求层次的用户提供同样简单、快乐、便捷、健康的厨房新生活,尽享云端科技带来的厨房新体验,成为游刃有余的“云端·生活·家”。英林智能养生壶专为养生而设计,采用高硼硅玻璃壶身,食品级不锈钢加热盘、壶盖,符合人体工学的外观设计,从设计源头保证产品品质。云智能技术的应用,帮助用户解决养生吃什么的问题;云端备有多种养生配方,全部定义好煲煮曲线,用户可依据云端配方进行投料, 进行一键煲煮。移动终端远程操控,可预约定时,随时随地随心操控,方便快捷。英林智能养生壶荣获2016厨电高峰论坛“健康先锋”大奖。


Elin Smart Boiler, perfectly combining technology and life, puts forward a new concept of product-“Cloud·Life·Home”, which aims to provide the users of different ages, careers, and requirement levels with the same simple, enjoyed, convenient and healthy new life in kitchen. Deeply enjoy the new experience in kitchen brought by cloud technology and become an adept “Cloud·Life·Home” with ease.

Elin Smart Boiler, designed for health preserving, is made of high borosilicate glass as body of boiler, food grade stainless steel as heating tray and lid. It is ergonomically designed to ensure the quality of product from the source of design.

The application of cloud technology helps the users solve the problem of what to eat for heath preserving; a variety of health formula and recipes are stored in the cloud and the corresponding temperature curves for boiling has been defined. The users can add the ingredients according to the formula stored in the cloud and start boiling with one click. Elin Smart Boiler can be operated remotely through mobile terminal devices and the appointment and timing function has been achieved, so it is available for the users to operate at any time in any place conveniently.

In the 2016 China Kitchen Appliance Summit Forum, Elin Smart Boiler won the Health Pioneers Award.


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